Laundry Art Whimsy

The lost art of laundry hang-ups  

Traveling, incorporated with work, can be a good thing, but also not so good. It can be tiring, exhausting but also fun. From Toronto to London, or Vancouver to India... it's a long haul. During my spare time, while exploring the countryside, cities and urban landscape with my trusty Nikon, I found myself intrigued by the lost art (especially in most parts of North America) of laundry hang-ups.

I grew up watching my Mother routinely hang out the wash on a 50 foot clothesline that stretched across our backyard, which displayed all our personals from our family of five. All the trousers, jeans and leggings were placed together, no different than all the coloured shirts side by side held together with wooden clothespins. Following all the whites... sheets, bedding, towels came the final stretch of delicates or personals. There seemed to be a pattern.

From Greece to Mexico, Europe to Africa, and most of China and India appeared to have some sort of colour coordination going on. As the sun and wind cleansed the mishaps of the day, time and again, there would also be times when a lack of movement set in, noting the energy was still - a time for waiting. A time to hold off on making important decisions.

The mystical energy of Feng Shui or Vaastu Shastra would indicate an inner meaning. If the winds were wild, and the laundry twisted and tangled itself, then it was a time to make note of your surroundings and not rush into making important decisions without consideration, research or thoughtfulness... or accidents, mishaps, financial loss could cross your path. It could be a warning to pay attention to your relationships.

But, on an easy, breezy sunny day, this is the time to move ahead and make your choices clearly and without hesitation, all in the name of positive energy. 

Laundry carries the energy of your surroundings, whether work clothes, table cloths, bedding... they all carry their secrets. Mother Nature not only cleanses (wind, water, fire) the rain, the sun and a mix of mystical energy provides a clear picture of our personal environment.
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I remember a time when I was in living in London, glancing at our neighbours laundry which hung straight, still and motionless except for one pair of man's work pants that became detached for no apparent reason. I commented to my friend ... this is not a good sign. It's a warning to pay attention, be mindful. She responded...'Too late, my brother got into a car accident, but not much damage this time.'

Throughout Europe and India, the best displays for laundry hang-ups were left visible for all; so colourful and fun to create stories. One could just imagine. And to think, the reality of Mother Nature does provide an insight into your personal life through your personal wears within your environment, in public, for all to see. The way you treat your environment is a reflection of how others treat you; pay attention to Nature.

The  Laundry Art Book
The Laundry A...
Photo book